Project Fiesta Mk3 1.1XRSi
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This site is dedicated to my fiesta Mk3 and will follow the changes that are made to the car during the period that I own it.

The car in it's original state was a Mk3 1.1 popular plus.

When I first brought the car I had no intentions to modify the car but after a while I had firmly changed my mind to just changing the appearance of the car, Then a slight disagreement with a wall, my ideas changed again to make the car to look like a Fiesta Si with a few additions of my own. This would be to make the Si that ford should have made as standard.

So work began on the car and is still on going.

Latest Information:-

Car is currently off the road being converted to FRST engine and escort T3(bigger than std Fiesta T2 turbo) turbo.

More pictures will be taken soon.

Please sign my guest book as any comments would be greatly received and valued so that the site can be improved.

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Fiesta In The Park 2002 - to view information about the show click the below link.

Martin Essams site.

Shows Attended.

Shows in 2002.